The Bay Area embodied carbon community
Supporting Local Governments
Local governments have long led the way on climate action. The Bay Area’s cities and counties are national leaders, developing innovative and precedent-setting policies and strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in their jurisdictions. In the round of Climate Action Plan updates since 2020, an increasing number of jurisdictions are including embodied carbon strategies. To support these and other Bay Area local governments advance their goals of reducing embodied carbon in their built environments, CLF Bay Area member StopWaste convenes a support group for city and county staff. The support group is a place to share goals, experiences, and knowledge. Through collective effort and economies of scale, the group aims to accomplish more than each individual jurisdiction can alone. The group anticipates producing a draft regional roadmap for local government embodied carbon policies in fall/winter 2022.
For more information, to be notified when the draft roadmap is available, or if you are a local government interested in joining the support group, please email us.